20 februari 2014
1000cc Cupen

1000cc Cup was started in 2000 by Lennart Nilsson and Bo Lindman, as a splinter group from the older standard cars, because the interest had decreased for the smaller standard cars. In the beginning it was mainly Saabs, but it added soon "Dog houses", DKW, BMW, NSU, Opel, Abarth and others. 2003 was a milestone. […]

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20 februari 2014
GT/GTS pre 1965

A GT car, was under contemporary statutes a car that was fast and comfortable, made for fast passenger, usually with only two seats and manufactured without special considering costs. To qualify as a GT-car production would amount to at least 100 cars over a 12-month period, but the truth shall forward managed to some manufacturers […]

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20 februari 2014
Formula Slicks

Here we find the formula cars from the mid 60 's and up until the last century's last decade. A broad era that meant a tremendous development in the technology field. This is especially apparent on the cars' aerodynamic aids. We find of course the interesting Formula 3 cars of classic brands like Brabham, March […]

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20 februari 2014
Formula Ford 1600cc

Formula Ford was started in 1967. This is perhaps the best nursery for the Formula 1 drivers ever? The vast majority has once begun here, so even in Sweden. "Lill-Lövis" began here and in the nineties we saw fights between drivers Bjorn Wirdheim, Robert Dahlgren, Robin Rudholm, Richard Göransson and Alx Danielsson. Everyone has notoriously […]

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20 februari 2014
Formula Vee

Formula Vee is built on Volkswagen components from the VW 1200 and 1300 models where the engine, front suspension and gearbox were used with adjustment and tuning according to the regulations. In the beginning was the trimming rate is almost zero, but in 1968 it began to occur wide rear axles VW 1300. Formula Vee […]

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20 februari 2014
Prewar, F3-500cc and Formula Junior

The heat for our oldest racing cars. You'll find everything from prewar cars, which in Sweden is represented by '30s Riley, MG and Bugatti. Other old favorites are Nordic Special from the 40 - and 50's. F3 500cc (Midget), we also find in this heat. This was a parade event in the post- war years. […]

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15 februari 2014
Årsmötet i Jönköping

Så har årsmötet i Jönköping avklarats. Mötet förflöt utan allt för häftiga diskussioner och sedan avslutades mötet med en trevlig lunch. I samband med årsmötet lanserades RHK´s nya hemsida, vilket ni kan se här och nu. Eva-Lisa Andersson fick mottaga Torstens Memorial och Anders Berger fick Presidents Trophy. Lasse Hagman informerade om internationellt utbyte med […]

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14 februari 2014
Ny Hemsida

Nu är äntligen RHK´s nya hemsida här! Det var dags att uppdatera hemsidan till ett modernt utseende. Sidan innehåller det mesta som fanns på den gamla sidan + en del nyheter. Välkommen in och klicka er fram. Det gamla forumet är sig likt, men RHK finns ju även på Facebook för dem som vill skriva […]

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16 januari 2014

Kallelse till Racerhistoriskaklubbens årsmöte 2014 Plats: Eurostop Jönköping Tid: Lördagen den 15 februari 2014 kl. 10.00 Föranmälan: Vill du ha lunch så anmäl dej på ibsab@telia.com kostnad 150:- Motioner till årsmötet ska vara styrelsen tillhanda senast två veckor innan årsmötesdagen. Skicka på ibsab@telia.com Rum kan bokas på Quality Hotel Jönköping | www.choice.se Tel. 036 - 293 79 60 Ryhovsg. […]

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13 januari 2014
mikaels engelska sida


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Racerhistoriska Klubben

Racerhistoriska klubben grundades 1978. Verksamheten har under åren utvecklas och samverkar nu med motsvarande klubbar och sammanslutningar inom internationell Historic Racing.
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